
Do Italians have good heart health?

Do Italians have good heart health? The favorable position of Italy in terms of coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease has been consistently documented by official mortality statistics and different epidemiological studies. Compared to worldwide estimates, Italy has a reduced mortality and morbidity rate from CVD, with lower age-standardized mortality rate of 113/100,000 and …

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What were the 3 ancient Tamil kingdoms?

What were the 3 ancient Tamil kingdoms? The ancient Tamil kingdoms were the Pandya, Chera, and Chola dynasties. These three dynasties ruled over present-day Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and parts of Odisha. They were powerful kingdoms that played significant roles in shaping the history, culture, and politics of South India. Who …

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What is the second largest ethnicity in Jamaica?

What is the second largest ethnicity in Jamaica? What are the 2 largest ethnic groups in Jamaica? The two largest ethnic groups in Jamaica are Afro-Jamaicans and mixed-race Jamaicans. Afro-Jamaicans make up 92.1% of the population, including 25% who are of mixed Irish Jamaican descent, while the mixed-race population accounts for 6.1%. What is the …

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Is the Appalachian Mountains the oldest in the world?

Is the Appalachian Mountains the oldest in the world? Yes, the Appalachian Mountains are among the oldest mountains on Earth. Are the Appalachian Mountains the oldest thing on Earth? No, the oldest mountains on Earth are the Makhonjwa Mountains in eastern South Africa, which are around 3.2 to 3.6 billion years old. What is the …

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Who declared war after Belgium was attacked?

Who declared war after Belgium was attacked? The country that declared war after Belgium was attacked was Britain. Who declared war after Germany invaded Belgium? Britain declared war against Germany after they invaded Belgium, breaking the Treaty of London which guaranteed Belgian neutrality. Did Britain declare war to protect Belgium? Yes, Britain declared war to …

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Are the Virgin Islands not part of the United States?

Are the Virgin Islands not part of the United States? The Virgin Islands, also known as the U.S. Virgin Islands, are part of the United States. They are an organized, unincorporated territory of the United States, which means they follow U.S. laws and have their own local government. However, not all provisions of the U.S. …

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What are the green oranges in Spain?

What are the green oranges in Spain? In Spain, the green oranges are known as “Seville oranges” or “naranja amarga”. These oranges have a greenish appearance and are more bitter-tasting than their fragrant blossoms would suggest. What is special about Seville oranges? Seville oranges are particularly known for their bitter flavor, making them ideal for …

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Why do Portuguese sound Russian?

Why do Portuguese sound Russian? Portuguese and Russian may sound similar to some people due to certain phonetic and rhythmic similarities in their intonation patterns. However, the two languages are not linguistically related and belong to different language families. What is the closest language to Portuguese? The closest language to Portuguese is Galician, which is …

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What was the significance of the Grand Canal to Song dynasty?

What was the significance of the Grand Canal to Song dynasty? The Grand Canal played a crucial role in the development and success of the Song dynasty. It served as a major transportation artery that connected the northern and southern regions of China. This allowed for the efficient movement of goods, particularly surplus grain from …

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What is the climate like in the far north region?

What is the climate like in the far north region? The climate in the far north region is characterized by extreme cold temperatures, long winters, and short summers. The region experiences Arctic and subarctic climates, with freezing temperatures prevailing for most of the year. The sun may not rise for weeks during the winter, leading …

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