
What is the fastest growing neighborhood in Philadelphia?

What is the fastest growing neighborhood in Philadelphia? According to the article, the fastest growing area in Philadelphia for the last two decades has been Greater Center City. The population in this area has increased by 39% between 2000 and 2020, reaching a total of 203,500 residents. What area in Philadelphia is up and coming? …

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Where do most black live in Canada?

Where do most black people live in Canada? According to the data, several neighborhoods in Toronto, including Jane and Finch, Rexdale, Malvern, Weston, St. James Town, and Lawrence Heights, are popularly associated with Black Canadians. However, it is important to note that these neighborhoods are much more racially diverse than commonly believed. What city in …

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What is the second largest estuary in the United States?

What is the second largest estuary in the United States? The second largest estuary in the United States is the Albemarle-Pamlico estuary. It covers more than 3,000 square miles of open water, making it the second largest estuarine complex in the lower 48 states. What are the 5 major estuaries? The five major types of …

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What language do they speak in Ketchikan Alaska?

What language do they speak in Ketchikan Alaska? The primary language spoken in Ketchikan, Alaska is English. However, there is also a significant population of Tlingit speakers in the area. What is the Tlingit language? The Tlingit language, also known as Łingít, is the language spoken by the Tlingit people. It is primarily spoken in …

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Are there any places named after Queen Elizabeth in Canada?

Are there any places named after Queen Elizabeth in Canada? Yes, there are several places in Canada that are named after Queen Elizabeth. Here are some of them: What buildings are named after Queen Elizabeth? In Canada, there are several buildings named after Queen Elizabeth. Some of them include: – Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, …

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Why is poverty so bad in Canada?

Why is poverty so bad in Canada? Poverty in Canada is a significant issue that has severe consequences for individuals and communities. Several factors contribute to the severity of poverty in the country, including: The lack of employment opportunities and affordable housing The high cost of higher education and training programs Language barriers for refugees …

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Are Japanese people friendly in Japan?

Are Japanese people friendly in Japan? Yes, Japanese people are generally known for being polite, welcoming, and accommodating. Politeness and respect are important aspects of Japanese culture, and it is common for people to be courteous in their interactions with others, regardless of their nationality. Are Japanese people polite to foreigners? Yes, Japanese people are …

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What is the history of the North American Plate?

What is the history of the North American Plate? The North American Plate, one of the Earth’s original continents, started forming approximately three billion years ago. During this time, the planet was much hotter and mantle convection was more vigorous. Around two billion years ago, the Earth cooled, and the old floating pieces of the …

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Is Switzerland one of the most beautiful country?

Is Switzerland one of the most beautiful countries? Yes, Switzerland is easily one of the most beautiful countries in the world, no matter when you’re visiting. 1. What is considered the most beautiful country? According to a study, the most beautiful countries in the world are: – New Zealand – Greece – Italy – Thailand …

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Do earthquakes only happen at plate boundaries?

Do earthquakes only happen at plate boundaries? No, earthquakes can occur in various locations, including plate boundaries and within the middle of plates. Although earthquakes along plate boundaries are more common, intraplate earthquakes can also occur due to the same forces that cause earthquakes along plate boundaries. Do the earthquakes shown only occur exactly at …

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Are Germans related to Scandinavians?

Are Germans related to Scandinavians? 1. Are Germans descendants of Scandinavia? No, Germans are not direct descendants of Scandinavia. They belong to the Germanic ethnic group, which is separate from the Scandinavian people. Germans and Scandinavians share some genetic similarities due to historical interactions and migrations in Europe, but they have distinct cultural differences. 2. …

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Where does ArcGIS Pro Add in install?

Where does ArcGIS Pro Add-in install? When you install an add-in with the installation utility, the add-in is copied to this default location: %System Drive%UsersDocumentsArcGISAddInsArcGISPro Before copying the file, the utility ensures that a newer version of the add-in does not already exist in the location. What is the default location for ArcGIS Pro installation? …

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What landforms are created by transform boundaries?

What landforms are created by transform boundaries? 1. What places are caused by transform boundaries? Transform boundaries often result in landforms such as fault lines and rift valleys. These occur when tectonic plates slide past each other horizontally. The San Andreas Fault in California is a well-known example of a landform created by a transform …

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Which term best describes Buchanan’s presidential leadership?

Which term best describes Buchanan’s presidential leadership? What presidents are often cited as examples of Laissez-faire leaders? Former U.S. presidents James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover, and Ronald Reagan, as well as industrialist Andrew Mellon, and businessman Warren Buffet are often cited as examples of Laissez-faire leaders. Where did President Buchanan stand on the issue of Kansas? …

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