
What was the poverty rate in Appalachia in 1960?

What was the poverty rate in Appalachia in 1960? The poverty rate in Appalachia was 30.9% in 1960. What percent of the Appalachian population lived in poverty in 1960? Approximately 30.9% of the Appalachian population lived in poverty in 1960. What is the poverty rate in the Appalachian region? The poverty rate in the Appalachian …

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What is being done to get rid of brown tree snakes in Guam?

What is being done to get rid of brown tree snakes in Guam? Since 1994, interdiction programs have included traps on airfields fences and inspections conducted by specially trained Brown Tree Snake detection dogs. The interdiction programs in Guam have been implementing various strategies to control and prevent the spread of brown tree snakes. One …

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How long does it take to walk down the Grand Canyon?

How long does it take to walk down the Grand Canyon? Walking down the Grand Canyon can be a challenging and rewarding experience. The duration of your hike will vary depending on several factors, including the chosen trail, individual fitness level, and hiking speed. On average, it takes hikers between four and five hours to …

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Is it easy to learn German if you speak Afrikaans?

Is it easy to learn German if you speak Afrikaans? Learning German can be easier for Afrikaans speakers compared to speakers of other languages, due to some similarities in vocabulary and grammar. Both languages belong to the West Germanic language family, which means there are some shared linguistic features. What is the easiest language to …

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Which Central American country has the least populated city?

Which Central American country has the least populated city? The Central American country with the least populated city is Belize. Belize has a population of approximately 408,387 inhabitants, making it the least populated country in Central America. The city with the least population in Belize is [City Name]. What country has the lowest population in …

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Why do you think the United States wanted to build the Panama Canal so much?

Why do you think the United States wanted to build the Panama Canal so much? The United States had several reasons for wanting to build the Panama Canal: To establish a shorter route for ships to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, saving time and money in commercial and military shipping. To control strategic …

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What is Colombia the world’s second largest producer of?

What is Colombia the world’s second largest producer of? Colombia is the world’s second largest producer of coffee. What does Colombia produce the most of? Colombia produces the most coffee, avocado, palm oil, sugarcane, banana, pineapple, and cocoa in the world. What is Colombia known as the world’s largest producer of? Colombia is known as …

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Which mountain is known as Killer mountain?

Which mountain is known as Killer mountain? Which mountain has most deaths? Nanga Parbat is notorious for being an extremely difficult climb and has earned the nickname Killer Mountain for its high number of climber fatalities. Why is Manaslu called the Killer mountain? Due to the significant amount of deaths that have happened while attempting …

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What is the landform of Monument Valley?

What is the landform of Monument Valley? Monument Valley features prominent buttes, which are tall, flat-topped, steep-sided towers of rock. These buttes have been sculpted over time and soar 400 to 1,000 feet above the valley floor. How would you describe Monument Valley? Monument Valley, also known as Tse’Bii’Ndzisgaii in the Navajo language, is a …

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Why is Madagascar so isolated?

Why is Madagascar so isolated? Madagascar is isolated due to its geographical location and its separation from other landmasses. The prehistoric breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana separated the Madagascar-Antarctica-India landmass from the Africa-South America landmass around 135 million years ago. Madagascar later split from India about 88 million years ago, allowing plants and animals on …

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What country never joined ww2?

What country never joined ww2? Switzerland is the country that never joined World War II. It remained officially neutral throughout the entire war. Which countries did not join ww2? The 14 countries that remained officially neutral throughout WWII were: Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino, and …

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What country owned Equatorial Guinea?

What country owned Equatorial Guinea? Equatorial Guinea was owned by Spain. Which country owns Equatorial Guinea? Equatorial Guinea is currently an independent country. Did Portugal own Equatorial Guinea? Yes, Equatorial Guinea was administered by the Portuguese as part of their African colony of Angola from the 1500s to 1778. Portugal transferred control of Equatorial Guinea …

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