
What are the colors of the topographic map lines?

What are the colors of the topographic map lines? The topographic map lines are represented by different colors, which indicate different features and information on the map. Here is a breakdown of the colors typically used: 1. What are the colors on a topographic map? The colors on a topographic map represent different features and …

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What are the four areas of human geography?

What are the four areas of human geography? 1. What are the 4 types of human geography? The four types of human geography include urban geography, cultural geography, social geography, and demographic geography. 2. What are the parts of the human geography? The parts of human geography include cultural geography, economic geography, health geography, historical …

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What was one change as a result of the Erie Canal quizlet?

What was one change as a result of the Erie Canal quizlet? What was one effect of the Erie Canal? The Erie Canal transformed New York City into the nation’s greatest commercial center. What was one major effect of opening the Erie Canal? The completion of the Erie Canal spurred the first great westward movement …

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How much of US food comes from California Central Valley?

How much of US food comes from California Central Valley? The Central Valley supplies about 25% of the nation’s fruits, nuts, and other food products, despite encompassing only 1% of all U.S. farmland. This region, particularly Tulare County, is known for being one of the leading producers of milk in the state and the nation. …

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What is Argentina’s color?

What is Argentina’s color? Argentina’s national colors are sky-blue and white. What is Argentina’s national color? Argentina’s national color is sky-blue. What colour are Argentinians? Argentinians are predominantly of European descent, with 97% of the population being White. What are the primary colors of Argentina? The primary colors of Argentina are sky blue, yellow, and …

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What areas did the Erie Canal connect in 1825?

What areas did the Erie Canal connect in 1825? The Erie Canal opened on October 26, 1825, providing overland water transportation between the Hudson River on the east and Lake Erie at the western end. It connected New York City to Buffalo, New York, passing through Albany, Schenectady, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, and other major cities …

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What do you call a person who can’t speak in English?

What do you call a person who can’t speak in English? A person who can’t speak in English is often referred to as a non-native English speaker or a person with limited English proficiency. It’s important to be respectful and understanding of individuals who are learning or speaking English as a second language. What do …

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What is the most aesthetic city in England?

What is the most aesthetic city in England? Answer: According to various sources, the most aesthetic city in England is Oxford. With its rich history, stunning architecture, and picturesque landscapes, Oxford offers a unique blend of beauty and charm. Its historic center, including the prestigious University of Oxford, has been designated as a UNESCO World …

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Does Mississippi have Appalachian Mountains?

Does Mississippi have Appalachian Mountains? Although most of Mississippi is low-lying terrain, there are some small hills scattered around the state, as well as some Appalachian Mountains summits in the state’s northeastern corner. Do the Appalachian Mountains go through Mississippi? The Appalachian Mountains do not go through Mississippi. They run from southern New York to …

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Why is Namibia important to Africa?

Why is Namibia important to Africa? Namibia, a country located in southwestern Africa, holds significant importance to the African continent due to several factors. 1. Natural resources: Namibia is rich in natural resources, including copper, diamonds, gold, lead, and uranium. These resources contribute significantly to the African economy. 2. Mining industry: Namibia’s mining industry, particularly …

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