
What mountain range stretches across Europe?

What mountain range stretches across Europe? The Alps are the highest and most extensive mountain range system that stretches approximately 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) in a crescent shape across eight Alpine countries: France, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, and Slovenia. What mountain range runs through Europe? Answer: The Alps stretch 750 miles from Slovenia …

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Why is North Welsh different from South Welsh?

Why is North Welsh different from South Welsh? The main difference between North Welsh and South Welsh lies in the variation of accents and dialects that developed due to geographical factors and historical isolation of communities. The two regions, North Wales and South Wales, have distinct differences in terms of their population distribution, landscape, and …

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What is the motto of Comoros country?

What is the motto of Comoros country? The motto of Comoros is “Unité – Solidarité – Développement” (French) and وحدة، تضامن، تنمية (Arabic), which translates to “Unity – Solidarity – Development” in English. What is Comoros most known for? Comoros is famous for being a group of beautiful tropical islands near Madagascar. It is a …

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What are the interesting facts about Pataliputra?

What are the interesting facts about Pataliputra? 1. As dynastic capital Pataliputra served as the capital under various Indian dynasties, including the Haryanka dynasty, Shishunaga dynasty, Nanda Empire, and Maurya Empire. 2. Strategic location Pataliputra was strategically located at the confluence of the Ganges and Son rivers, making it a center for trade, commerce, and …

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How much does a cattle rancher make per cow?

How much does a cattle rancher make per cow? The profitability of cattle ranching can vary significantly depending on various factors, including market conditions and individual producer practices. However, on average, a cattle rancher can expect to make a profit of approximately $175 to $200 per cow. This calculation includes both the revenue from selling …

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What causes climate to vary in the Andes?

What causes climate to vary in the Andes? The spatial and temporal patterns of the Andean climate are affected by various factors, including ocean-atmosphere interactions, monsoon systems, the seasonal migrations of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the southern westerly wind belt (SWW), and the storm track at mid and …

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What is unique about the Niger river Delta?

What is unique about the Niger river Delta? The Niger Delta is a region of unparalleled ecological richness, characterized by its intricate network of waterways, lush mangrove forests, and diverse ecosystems. It is the largest wetland in Western Africa and an important water resource for the surrounding areas. The Niger River, which flows through the …

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Why is Washington DC located in the south?

Why is Washington DC located in the south? Washington D.C. is located in the south due to historical and political reasons. It was a compromise between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton and the northern states wanted the new federal government to assume Revolutionary War debts, while Jefferson and the southern states wanted the capital …

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