
Why is India’s northern plain so heavily populated with people?

Why is India’s northern plain so heavily populated with people? The northern plain in India is heavily populated due to several reasons: 1. What is the largest plain in India? The northern plain is the largest plain in India. 2. Which rivers run from the Himalayan mountains through the northern plain? Many rivers, such as …

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Is a Sheffield accent a Yorkshire accent?

Is a Sheffield accent a Yorkshire accent? Yes, the Sheffield accent is considered a Yorkshire accent. What is the Yorkshire accent called? The Yorkshire dialect (also known as Broad Yorkshire, Tyke, Yorkie, or Yorkshire English) is a dialect of English spoken in the Yorkshire region of Northern England. Do Sheffield people have a Yorkshire accent? …

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Why did the Mongols build canals in China?

Why did the Mongols build canals in China? The Mongols built canals in China for various reasons, including transportation, communication, military strategy, and support for the economy. Canals were vital for the Mongols to transport grain to the capital and improve communication within their empire. They also used canals for official news and allowed merchants …

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What is special about Frankfurt Airport?

What is special about Frankfurt Airport? Frankfurt Airport is one of the busiest and most important airports in Europe. It offers a high level of connectivity, making it a major transportation hub. With its extensive intermodal network, Frankfurt Airport is a key traffic center in Europe. Why is Frankfurt Airport so popular? Frankfurt Airport is …

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What is the Taj Mahal being polluted by?

What is the Taj Mahal being polluted by? The Taj Mahal is being polluted by various air pollutants and acid rain, which are causing damage to its structure and changing its color. These pollutants include sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide. They are released into the environment by industries, vehicle emissions, and other human …

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What two states appear almost perfectly rectangular?

What two states appear almost perfectly rectangular? What state is shaped like a rectangle? Colorado and Wyoming. What two states have boundaries that are true rectangle? Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. Are Colorado and Wyoming perfect rectangles? No, they are not perfect rectangles. What mountainous state is almost a perfect square? Wyoming. Is the Shape of …

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Who is the largest employer in Green Bay?

Who is the largest employer in Green Bay? The largest employer in Green Bay, Wisconsin is Bellin Health, followed by Humana. Bellin Health is a leading healthcare provider in the area, offering a wide range of medical services. Humana is a prominent insurance company, providing healthcare coverage to individuals and families. Together, these two organizations …

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How much time does going through the Panama Canal save?

How much time does going through the Panama Canal save? Answer: Going through the Panama Canal can save a significant amount of time for ships traveling between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The canal effectively reduces ship travel time by about 5 months. How much time does Panama Canal save? Answer: The Panama Canal reduces …

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Which South American country is the whitest?

Which South American country is the whitest? Based on the available data, Brazil is considered the country with the largest white population in South America. There are approximately 98 million white people in Brazil, making up a significant portion of the population. It is important to note that the concept of “whiteness” can be complex …

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