
What is the poverty rate in Greenwich CT?

What is the poverty rate in Greenwich CT? The poverty rate in Greenwich, CT is 7.81%, which is lower than the national average of 12.6%. What’s the average income in Greenwich Connecticut? The average annual household income in Greenwich is $265,944, while the median household income sits at $127,123 per year. Is Greenwich Connecticut expensive …

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What is Ireland’s main exports?

What is Ireland’s main exports? Ireland’s main exports include electrical machinery and apparatus, processed foods, chemical products, clothing and textiles, and beverages. Ireland is also a leading exporter of computer software. What are the top 10 exports of Ireland? Ireland’s top 10 exports include: Pharmaceuticals Organic chemicals Optical, technical, medical apparatus Electrical machinery, equipment Perfumes, …

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What is the minimum height for a mountain?

What is the minimum height for a mountain? The minimum height for a mountain can vary depending on different definitions and classifications. However, most geologists classify a mountain as a landform that rises at least 1,000 feet (300 meters) or more above its surrounding area. What elevation is required to be a mountain? Most geologists …

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What landform is created when two oceanic plates collide?

What landform is created when two oceanic plates collide? When two oceanic plates collide, they form a subduction zone. In this process, the older and denser plate is forced beneath the younger plate. This leads to the formation of a deep ocean trench and the creation of volcanic islands known as island arcs. What are …

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