
Which region is a water divide between the Ganga and Indus River systems?

Which region is a water divide between the Ganga and Indus River systems? Which region is between Ganga and Indus River? Ambala is situated on the water divide between the Indus and the Ganga waterway Systems. What region are the Indus and Ganges rivers in? The Indus–Ganga plains, also known as the “Great Indian Plains”, …

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Do Californians say NorCal and SoCal?

Do Californians say NorCal and SoCal? Yes, Californians do use the terms “NorCal” and “SoCal” to refer to Northern California and Southern California respectively. However, there is some variation in their usage among different regions and individuals within the state. What do Southern Californians call their region? Southern Californians generally refer to their region as …

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What are the fundamentals of GIS theory?

What are the fundamentals of GIS theory? GIS theory encompasses three key components: geographic, information, and systems. These components are integral to understanding and utilizing Geographic Information Systems effectively. What is GIS? GIS, or Geographic Information Systems, is a system that gathers, analyzes and presents data based on geographical references. It combines geographic, information, and …

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What are the laws of Antarctica?

What are the laws of Antarctica? Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, which regulates human activity on the continent. The treaty prohibits nuclear testing, military operations, economic exploitation, and territorial claims in Antarctica. The only permanent structures allowed are scientific research stations. The treaty is monitored through on-site inspections. What are the rules …

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Is it harder to learn Spanish or French?

Is it harder to learn Spanish or French? 1. However, for many English speakers, Spanish is often considered slightly easier to learn than French. Spanish is often considered slightly easier to learn than French. The phonetic system of Spanish is much more straightforward, with consistent letter-to-sound correspondence, making it easier to pronounce words correctly. 2. …

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Does England not have air-conditioning?

Does England not have air-conditioning? Yes, England generally has fewer air-conditioning units compared to other countries. The mild weather and the historical architectural design of homes contribute to the limited use of air-conditioning systems. Why don’t most Brits have air-conditioning? Most Brits do not have air-conditioning because the country’s relatively mild weather does not require …

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What is the difference between the Lincoln Highway and Route 66?

What is the difference between the Lincoln Highway and Route 66? What is special about the Lincoln Highway? The Lincoln Highway is one of the first transcontinental highways in the United States and one of the first highways designed expressly for automobiles. Is the Lincoln Highway older than Route 66? Yes, the Lincoln Highway was …

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What is special about Covent Garden?

What is special about Covent Garden? Covent Garden is a world-class shopping and dining destination, attracting food-lovers and fashionistas alike. It is buzzing with excitement from the opera and theaterland, and boasts some of the best shopping and dining destinations in London’s West End. From top designer shops to street performers, Covent Garden offers a …

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Why are so many mountain ranges called the Alps?

Why are so many mountain ranges called the Alps? The term “Alps” is commonly used to refer to multiple mountain ranges across different countries. The name originates from the Latin term “Alpes,” which evolved into “Alpes” in French and “Alpen” in German. These names are used for the mountain ranges in the respective languages. The …

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How many suburban trains are there in Mumbai?

How many suburban trains are there in Mumbai? There are a total of 2,342 suburban trains that operate in Mumbai on a daily basis. Which cities in India have suburban trains? Suburban trains can be found in the following cities in India: Mumbai Suburban Railway Kolkata Suburban Railway Lucknow – Kanpur Suburban Railway Chennai Suburban …

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