
What are the negatives of Machu Picchu?

What are the negatives of Machu Picchu? Threats to the Sanctuary Machu Picchu faces a variety of threats including excessive tourism, which is especially hard on the fragile site. The high number of visitors leads to issues such as the generation of solid waste, unsustainable agriculture practices, overgrazing, and forest fires. These activities aggravate erosion, …

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Do people who live in Alaska live longer?

Do people who live in Alaska live longer? According to available statistics, the life expectancy in Alaska is 78 years, which is slightly lower than the nationwide average of 79 years. While Alaska’s overall life expectancy is relatively close to the national average, there are significant variations within the state itself, highlighting deep inequalities in …

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Why did the Portuguese bring enslaved Africans to the Cape Verde Islands?

Why did the Portuguese bring enslaved Africans to the Cape Verde Islands? The Portuguese brought enslaved Africans to the Cape Verde Islands primarily for labor purposes. They needed a workforce to work on plantations producing cotton, sugar, and subsistence crops, as well as in domestic service. Why did the Portuguese take slaves from Africa? The …

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Which city are called the Twin city?

Which city is called the Twin city? Minneapolis–Saint Paul Minneapolis–Saint Paul is a metropolitan area in the Upper Midwestern United States centered around the confluence of the Mississippi, Minnesota and St. Croix rivers in the U.S. state of Minnesota. It is commonly known as the Twin Cities after the area’s two largest cities, Minneapolis and …

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Who did Latin America gain independence from?

Who did Latin America gain independence from? Latin America gained independence from Spain and Portugal. Did Latin America gain independence from the conquerors? Yes, Latin America gained independence from the conquerors. Between 1808 and 1836, all of Latin America except the Spanish colonies of Puerto Rico and Cuba gained their independence from Spain and Portugal. …

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Which EU country has best unemployment benefits?

Which EU country has best unemployment benefits? 1. Which EU country has the most generous unemployment benefits? Germany ranks first in the EU, attributing 11 per cent of its GDP to sick leave and public medical care. It’s followed by France and the Netherlands (both at 10.2 per cent), according to the EU’s statistical office, …

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What causes high Labour productivity?

What causes high Labour productivity? What are the reasons for high labor productivity? Efficient saving and investment in physical capital, new technology, and human capital contribute to high labor productivity. What leads to high productivity? High productivity can be achieved by reducing the use of raw materials, labor, and time in the production process, or …

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What are the downsides of walkable cities?

What are the downsides of walkable cities? 1. Increased Density Walkable neighborhoods are generally more dense in terms of population and infrastructure. While this can be beneficial, it may also mean more traffic, higher noise levels, and potentially reduced privacy. 2. Climate Implications Walkable communities can reduce emissions and mitigate climate change, but climate change …

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What is the main industry of Telangana?

What is the main industry of Telangana? The main industry of Telangana is Information Technology (IT) and IT-enabled Services (ITeS). Telangana is home to several global technology companies and is one of the leading IT hubs in India. What are the major industries in Telangana? Telangana’s major industries include Information Technology (IT) and IT-enabled Services …

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