
What are the advantages and disadvantages of Mercator map?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Mercator map? 1. What are the disadvantages of projection map? The disadvantage of using a projection map is that it cannot show the entire earth in one view. Typically, projection maps only show about half of the earth at a time, making them unsuitable for world maps. 2. …

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Is Brazil doing enough for climate change?

Is Brazil doing enough for climate change? 1. How does the CAT rate Brazil’s climate targets and policies? The CAT rates Brazil’s climate targets and policies as “Insufficient”, indicating that they need substantial improvements to be consistent with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C temperature limit. Under Brazil’s current policies, emissions will remain at roughly today’s levels. …

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What are the most common Melungeon surnames?

What are the most common Melungeon surnames? 1. What are some of the most prominent surnames associated with a Melungeon identity? Some of the most prominent surnames that have been claimed as potentially associated with a Melungeon identity include Bowling (Bolin), Bunch, Chavis (Chavez), Collins, Epps, Evans, Fields, Francisco, Gibson, Gill, Goins, Goodman, Minor, Mise, …

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Why was the year 1921 a year of great divide with regard to the growth of population in India?

Why was the year 1921 a year of great divide with regard to the growth of population in India? The year 1921 is considered to be a year of great divide in India in terms of population growth. During this year, India experienced a significant change in its population dynamics due to various factors such …

Why was the year 1921 a year of great divide with regard to the growth of population in India? Read More »


Where is the heat flow the greatest on the ocean floor?

Where is the heat flow the greatest on the ocean floor? The heat flow is greatest along the system of mid-ocean ridges. Further, the location of the high heat-flow regions correlates with shallow regions of shallow ocean depth (ridges on the sea floor) and the location of earthquakes. What feature on the ocean floor has …

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What is the largest foreign community in Japan?

What is the largest foreign community in Japan? The largest foreign community in Japan is the Chinese. Chinese people in Japan are the largest foreign minority group, comprising 0.64% of Japan’s population. They are mainly concentrated in the Osaka, Tokyo, and Yokohama areas. Where do most foreigners live in Japan? As of 2017, the largest …

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Why is China making man made islands?

Why is China making man made islands? China is making man-made islands for several reasons, including territorial claims, military expansion, resource exploration, and economic development. These artificial islands allow China to strengthen its presence in the region and assert its control over disputed territories. Why are man-made islands made? Man-made islands are created for various …

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What are 4 major diseases that are vector-borne?

What are 4 major diseases that are vector-borne? What are the 5 major disease vectors? The 5 major disease vectors are frequently arthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, flies, fleas, and lice. What are the 6 vector-borne diseases? The 6 vector-borne diseases include Chikungunya, Dengue and severe dengue, Yellow fever, Zika virus, Malaria, Japanese encephalitis, Lymphatic …

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