
What is the cleanest city on earth?

What is the cleanest city on earth? Based on various sources, the cleanest city on earth is Copenhagen, Denmark. Copenhagen is known for its extensive network of cycling lanes, efficient public transportation systems, and pedestrian-friendly streets. The city also has initiatives for clean energy, making it a haven for clean transportation. Which is the cleanest …

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Which to resources are very important to Mexico’s economy?

Which two resources are very important to Mexico’s economy? What is the most important economic resource in Mexico? The most important economic resource in Mexico is petroleum, followed by gold and silver. What is important to Mexico’s economy? The Mexican economy relies on various sectors, including its oil sector, remittances from the United States, exports, …

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What is the poorest section of Appalachia?

What is the poorest section of Appalachia? The poorest section of Appalachia is the Central Appalachians, which experience the most severe poverty. This is partially due to the area’s isolation from urban growth centers. The Central Appalachians include 423 counties and cover 206,000 square miles. Which region in Appalachia has the highest poverty rate? The …

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What is the genetic makeup of Filipinos?

What is the genetic makeup of Filipinos? Filipinos have a diverse genetic makeup, influenced by various ancestral groups. The majority population of Filipinos are Austronesians, who have historical ties to maritime Southeast Asia and southern East Asia. However, there have been two major waves of migration to the Philippines, resulting in a mixture of different …

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How does Paraguay generate 100% of their electricity?

How does Paraguay generate 100% of their electricity? Paraguay generates 100% of its electricity from renewable sources, with the majority coming from hydropower. The Itaipu, Yacyretá, and Acaray hydroelectric projects play a crucial role in the country’s electricity generation. This shift to hydropower has allowed Paraguay to eliminate its reliance on oil and diesel imports …

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Do people speak English in Bonaire?

Do people speak English in Bonaire? Yes, English is widely spoken in Bonaire. While there are local Dutch and Papiamentu language newspapers, there isn’t currently an English-language equivalent, other than the semi-monthly The Bonaire Reporter newspaper and the Bonaire Insider online news. How do you say hello in Bonaire? In Bonaire, common Papiamentu phrases include …

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What are the natural resources of Gujarat?

What are the natural resources of Gujarat? Gujarat is rich in mineral resources, especially in petroleum. The major mineral resources of Gujarat are natural gas, limestone, manganese, bauxite, china-clay fire-clay, calcite, dolomite, fluorspar, gypsum, bentonite, quartz, silica sand, and steatite. Gujarat also has deposits of lignite, gypsum, agate, feldspar, and quartz sand. What is resource …

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Why do some people say there are only 5 continents?

Why do some people say there are only 5 continents? What is the 5 continent theory? The 5 continent theory is an alternative model that excludes Antarctica as a separate continent. In this theory, the continents are Africa, Europe, Asia, America, and Oceania (or Australia). Are there 5 continents in the world? No, according to …

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What is a geographical classification?

What is a geographical classification? A geographical classification refers to a system of categorizing and organizing location-based data, allowing for easier comparison and analysis of different geographic areas. It helps in understanding the spatial distribution and characteristics of different regions, subareas, and populated places. What is meant by geographical classification? Geographical classification is a code …

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Is Romania considered Central Europe?

Is Romania considered Central Europe? According to Meyers Enzyklopädisches Lexikon, Central Europe is a part of Europe composed of Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Switzerland, and northern marginal regions of Italy and Yugoslavia (northern states – Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia). Is Romania in Central Europe? Yes, Romania …

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Which continent includes the coordinates of 90 s latitude 30 e longitude?

Which continent includes the coordinates of 90° south latitude and 30° east longitude? The continent that includes the coordinates of 90° south latitude and 30° east longitude is Antarctica. Antarctica is located at the southernmost point on the Earth, and the 90° south latitude is commonly referred to as the South Pole. What is the …

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