
Which direction is Bangalore in Karnataka?

Which direction is Bangalore in Karnataka? Bangalore is situated in the southeast region of the South Indian state of Karnataka. Is Bangalore in north or south Karnataka? Bangalore is located in the southeast region of Karnataka. Is Bangalore in South or West? Bangalore is situated in the southern part of Karnataka. In which direction Bangalore …

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What is the Mercator most useful for?

What is the Mercator most useful for? The Mercator projection is most useful for navigation purposes, particularly for sailors. It allows them to plot straight routes using latitude and longitude lines to navigate around the globe. The Mercator projection flattens the globe onto a cylindrical surface, making it easier for sailors to visualize and navigate …

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What Roman city did Mount Vesuvius destroy?

What Roman city did Mount Vesuvius destroy? Mount Vesuvius eruption in 79 AD destroyed the ancient Roman cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplontis, Stabiae, and several other settlements. What Roman cities did Mount Vesuvius destroy? The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD destroyed the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. What ancient city was destroyed …

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Why do people move to Papua New Guinea?

Why do people move to Papua New Guinea? People consider relocating to Papua New Guinea for various reasons. Here are some common factors that attract individuals to this country: 1. Proximity to stunning natural areas Papua New Guinea is known for its breathtaking natural landscapes. The country offers proximity to stunning natural areas such as …

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How much warning was there before Mt St Helens erupted?

How much warning was there before Mt St Helens erupted? The eruption of Mount St. Helens on May 18, 1980, caught many people by surprise, but there were some warning signs leading up to the eruption. Scientists were able to detect seismic activity, indicating that an eruption was imminent. However, the danger zone that had …

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What to wear in Portugal to not look like a tourist?

What to wear in Portugal to not look like a tourist? Do Portuguese people do the jungle-explorer look? Portuguese people don’t do the jungle-explorer look, so it’s best to avoid wearing all-white or all-khaki outfits. Stick to smart casual clothing instead. Should I wear rain capes in Portugal? While rain capes might be practical in …

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Are Samoan and Polynesian the same?

Are Samoan and Polynesian the same? The Samoans are a Polynesian people closely related to the native peoples of New Zealand, French Polynesia, Hawaii, and Tonga. What is the difference between Polynesian and Samoan? Samoans are mainly of Polynesian heritage, and about nine-tenths of the population are ethnic Samoans. Euronesians (people of mixed European and …

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How many U.S. citizens are considered poor?

How many U.S. citizens are considered poor? According to the official poverty measure for 2022, approximately 37.9 million people in the United States are considered to be living in poverty. The poverty rate for that year was 11.5 percent, which is not significantly different from the previous year. What percentage of U.S. citizens are poor? …

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What is Zimbabwe’s first language?

What is Zimbabwe’s first language? The first language spoken by the majority of the Zimbabwean population is Shona. Approximately 75% of Zimbabweans speak Shona as their first language. Another 17% of the population speaks Ndebele as their first language. Is English Zimbabwe’s first language? No, English is not Zimbabwe’s first language. Although English is widely …

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